Flashback Friday


Non-Sequiturs: 09.04.15

Ed. note: Due to the Labor Day holiday we will be on a reduced publication schedule today, and observing the holiday on Monday. Hope everyone has an enjoyable, restful and long weekend. * Oh yay! An attorney hits something with his car, doesn't stop, and uses the "I'm an attorney!" line, complete with F-bombs. And he was drinking, because of course he was. [Legal Profession Blog] * You shoot for the stars Utah! Utah Law announced a new initiative to have 100 percent bar passage and 100 percent professional employment. [Tax Prof Blog] * Burn! Not only did the Ninth Circuit overturn Judge Robert Jones's decision, they reassigned the case. [Election Law Blog] * A war between Harvard Law professors! Okay, it's just a war of words, but Cass Sunstein really takes it to former Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren and law prof turned presidential candidate Larry Lessig. [American Thinker] * Lessons on being a lawyer you can get from watching Peggy Olson. [Careerist] * Here's a horrifying fact: "Defendants who can't make bail, regardless of their crime, are four times more likely to be sentenced to time in prison." [Pacific Standard] * This is fun! A 1947 anti-union propaganda comic put out by General Electric. [Lawyers, Guns and Money] * Food in exchange for legal advice. Seems like a good deal. [Brooklyn Daily Eagle] * Moving ever closer to the day when a marriage license for a same sex couple is just a matter of paperwork -- even in Kentucky. [Huffington Post]

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